Vicchi Oleski spirit energy healing
cbd and herbal tinctures
vibrational energy

Intentionally blended…


feelHEAL is the culmination of three decades of research, study and practice in the transformational healing arts.


feelHEAL is a 21st Century selfHealth care line that intentionally blends CBD Herbal medicinal tinctures, aromatherapy topicals and vibrational flower essence to maximize states of well-being, and harmonize imbalances in the energy centers of the body. Use each medicinal formula in tandem with the corresponding meditations or each individual medicinal may also be used as powerful stand-alone energy medicine.

The medicinals in the entire feelHEAL family are formulated using the purist, organically sourced plant-based ingredients that address fundamental blocks to healing and wholeness. Each blend is accompanied by a specific meditation which is intended to be used with its corresponding medicinal. Each meditation can also be used as stand-alone energy medicine.

The unique approach of feelHEAL uses medicinal tinctures, aromatherapy topicals and vibrational flower essence in tandem with specific meditations to harmonize imbalances in the energy centers of the body. The meditations for each medicinal may also be used as powerful stand-alone energy medicine. The feelHEAL family includes:

  • Diamond Light – is a family of 9 potent Full Spectrum CBD herbal medicinals formulated for each energy cENTER of the body. Each tincture blends American grown organic hemp extract, CBD and herbal combinations that support mental, emotion and physical wellbeing.  more details
  • Frequency – is the feelHEAL family of aromatherapy topicals  that uses the frequency of scent and sacred syllables to maximize states of wellbeing. Each of the four blends in the Frequency line correspond with one of the four sacred sounds;  Om, Nam, Ma, Ha. more details
  • Vibrational Flower Essence – blends the powerful vibratory essence of both the flower and the environment in which it flourishes and draws from past wisdom and freshly updates it with the unique medicine of our beloved Sonoma County flowers.  more details

As breakthrough scientific discoveries have found, our wounds are perceived to reside in our bodies (literally in the fascia of our bodies) until they are transformed (released) and integrated into wholeness. When we work somatically with the five senses and invite the mind and body to be partners in transforming wounds into wisdom, we relax and release the old fixations and rebirth ourselves as healthy, whole beings.


Diamond Light CBD Tinctures

Diamond Light is a family of full spectrum CBD and herbal tinctures formulated for each energy cENTER of the body (*see description below that explains why this is in all caps). Each tincture blends American grown organic hemp extract, CBD and herbal combinations that support mental, emotion and physical wellbeing.

When my godson was young, he formed a tube out of green construction paper and pasted blue diamonds on the side of it. He covered the end with a piece of paper in which he had cut an opening in the shape of a rhombus. When I asked him what it was, he replied, “It’s a body looker. If you look through it and see a diamond it means you are healthy. If you see a square, it means you are sick.” This story stuck with me through the years as a powerful metaphor for health and wholeness. 

We know diamonds are created under extreme pressure that compress and purify their carbon structures until they become completely transparent and able to fully transmit light. We also know that healing and dis-EASE are often defined by how we look at things. When we turn the “body looker” just slightly, a square becomes a diamond. It’s all a matter of perspective.

*As embodied beings, our bodies are literally sacred altars. When we nourish the energy cENTERS of our bodies, we welcome in the beneficial loving energy that is all around us. We take an active part by inviting this energy to ENTER into and nourish our bodies. When we are not conscious of our thoughts and their relationship to our bodies, we unwittingly invite in harmful energy and allow it to ENTER our bodies and minds.

By using these technologies to integrate gaps in our awareness and understanding, we alter our consciousness and open the door to health and joy. How apropos it is then that the ancient holy women and men of Tibet use the term Diamond Light to represent the enlightened heart-mind, where all spectra of the prism are integrated and made whole into unified, pure white light.  

Currently available in the Diamond Light family is Herkimer, a full spectrum CBD rich and herbal blend that integrates and balances all energy cENTERS of the body.

​Coming soon are:

  • Amethyst
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Citrine 
  • Carnelian
  • Garnet
  • Amber
  • Obsidian

Frequency Aromatherapy Topicals

Frequency is the feelHEAL family of aromatherapy topicals  that uses the frequency of scent and sacred syllables to maximize states of wellbeing. Each of the four blends in the Frequency line correspond with one of the four sacred sounds;  Om, Nam, Ma, Ha.

Throughout our lives, we are continually exposed to smells. Fragrances have the potential to completely transport us to other realities and times. They are powerful messengers to the unconscious.

One day, while I was walking in beautiful Noe Valley, California with my mother, we spied a lush wisteria tree at a distance. My mother immediately and with much animation began to tell a story about growing up on a farm as a child and playing among the wisteria vines. As we drew nearer to the tree, we suddenly got engulfed by its graceful buds and sweet aroma.

Through the medium of scent, we are capable of experiencing memories, incidences and occasions from the past as though they are current, and possibly as if they are our own living experiences.

Historical and scientific basis for fragrance as powerful medicine is well documented, but what is most important is your own living experience.

Om, which is the namesake of the first Frequency blend, is the most sacred sound of ancient Eastern spirituality. It represents the soul, or the  self within, the ultimate primordial reality of the entire universe. Om Frequency contains the deep essence of the North Star and the Star of David. Om is formulated using the oils of sacred medicinal flowers such as Frankincense and Helichrysum.

Om, Present Moment (the most sacred sound of ancient Eastern spirituality, representing the soul, the self within, the ultimate primordial reality of the entire universe)


  • Organic Jojoba Oil (Moisturizers, nourishes, heals, antibacterial properties and boost skins glow)
  • Juniper Berry (protecting and guardian for the liminal realms, Helps to cope with nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue and angst)
  • Cold Press Bergamot (mental health and clarity)
  • Ylang Ylang (boost mood, alleviates depression and anxiety)
  • Blue Tansy (anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and calming effects for body mind and spirit)
  • Helichrysum (promotes healing, anti-microbial, supports and cradles the psyche to work through difficult emotions and/or issues)
  • Frankincense (enhances spiritual experience, concentration and focus)

For best effective use of OM Frequency aromatherapy topical, apply to your third eye, throat and heart-chest area while taking in a deep relaxing inhale breath, exhale while affirming/declaring “ I am holy, happy, healthy and safe. Living in the present moment enlivens me and activates my healing system“

Vibrational Flower Essence

Vibrational Flower Essence blends the powerful vibratory essence of both the flower and the environment in which it flourishes and draws from past wisdom and freshly updates it with the unique medicine of our beloved Sonoma County flowers.

The origins of this traditional medicine date back to the work of Dr. Edward Bach, the breakthrough British scientist and doctor who in the turmoil of WWII Europe, posited that the mind-body could be balanced by attuning it to the vibrations of fresh flower blossoms.

Our tumultuous times require patient, loving, non-toxic and relevant approaches to wellbeing. feelHEAL draws from past wisdom and freshly updates it with the unique medicine of our beloved Sonoma County flowers. Vibrational Flower Essence medicinals encourage homeostasis of mind-body.

The first of feelHEAL’s Vibrational Flower Essence medicinals is Fulfillment which is formulated using classical flower essence techniques and organic locally grown hemp flowers.

My long history and affinity with the hemp flower dates back many years when I would visit local Sonoma county farms and gardens, experiencing the unique vibration of this flower, the sacred land on which it grows and its special caretakers.  

Having seen the profound healing properties of CBD, I became deeply curious about the plant and spent years researching and then teaching about it at the Sonoma County Healing Academy (SoCoHa).  It is this collection of experiences that inspired me to demystify the use of cannabis in alternative medicine, shining lights of curiosity into darkened corners.

If you have ever seen a hemp blossom in full bloom, you will have seen one of the most unusual, expressive, flowers that exist in nature.  A very yin plant with a vibration of receptivity, the hemp flower invites partnership and opening. When the hemp blossom ripens in the sun it is almost as if the sun is not merely shining its rays on the flower, but that the hemp flower is pulling the sun’s photonic energy into it.

The properties of cannabinoid medicine form a friendly partnership with the receptors in our brains. Cannabinoid receptors receive just what they need to achieve homeostasis so there is no risk of “over-doing it”. 

When we understand that vibration is the essence of, not just the plants and flowers that grow on the land, but the land itself and the beings who inhabit it, we understand more deeply why Fulfillment is potent vibrational medicine. Sonoma County has been a home to renowned luminaries such as the famed botanist and philanthropist, Luther Burbank, and the beloved artist, Charles Schultz. The great spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda, considered Sonoma one of his favorite places and would often visit to walk the hills of Annandale and call on his friend, Luther Burbank.

Fulfillment, Receptivity (Photonic (life affirming) energy, bursting with joie de vivre)


  • Springwater
  • 20% grape alcohol
  • An infusion of hemp flower

For best effective use place 1-4 drops of Fulfillment  in the mouth and affirm/declare “I rest in deep solitude and stillness. The quiet abundantly contains my heart reflections. I feel receptive, renewed, and awakened.